We adopt four strategies when performing air sealing work in our customer’s homes to help ensure that we don’t compromise indoor air quality. The first is to address potential indoor air quality problems beginning any work. We look for potential combustion safety issues as a result of air sealing and duct sealing. We look for source control issues like kitchen fans that don’t vent to the outdoors, scented candles, damp crawl space or anything else out of the ordinary.
The second strategy is to encourage the use of fresh air ventilation systems. If we are going to install a fresh air ventilation system in a house then we seal the house as tight as we can. Fresh air systems can be simple and relatively inexpensive and they can also be sophisticated and provide state-of the-art air filtration of incoming fresh air before it goes through the heat exchanger. When economy is important we use an upgraded the bathroom fan to a Panasonic fan that can be run at a very low speed 24/7. We also install fresh air ventilation systems with HEPA filtration on the for customers who are concerned about allergies.
The third strategy is customer education. Articles like this are designed to help motivated customers decide what they want to achieve in their homes. Our belief is that good information drives the decision making process.
The fourth approach is not to perform air sealing if the customer is only interested in insulation. We are happy to do this. This is what happens in the marketplace every day with almost all insulation companies. Our goal is to give customers options. We also are not interested in doing mediocre work. We are not interested in blowing more insulation in an attic when what the house really needs is air sealing and air barrier work.