Our whole home solutions approach sets Advantage Home Performance apart from most heating and air conditioning contractors because we realize that the heating and air conditioning system includes more than just the mechanical unit. The comfort and efficiency level of your home is determined by the interaction between the mechanical system, air distribution system, insulation, air barrier, solar control, etc. because the comfort, efficiency and indoor air quality are all dependent on how these systems work together.
This whole home approach is not new or something we created. If you go to the section of our web site titled, what the experts say, you’ll see that leading building science experts have been advocating for a comprehensive approach to understanding home performance since the early 90’s. To help you better understand the whole home approach, I’ll provide a simple example to highlight how logical this holistic approach is to resolving home performance problems.
Ask yourself, what could be the cause of discomfort in a bedroom? An uncomfortable bedroom might be a result of too much heat loss or heat gain due to missing insulation in the attic or exterior walls. It could be that a chase (framed cavity) in the attic that is adjacent to the bedroom is not capped and air sealed, so attic air now migrates into interior walls. A disconnected duct, duct leakage or an undersized duct could also be the culprit. These are just a few of the potential problems that could be undermining the comfort of this bedroom.
To achieve optimal comfort, the solution, more often than not, is a combination of efficiency strategies and rarely is just one solution. We also know that the solutions we apply not only address the comfort problems, but also improve energy efficiency and often indoor air quality. Although this may seem a little counterintuitive, if you invest some time on this web site you’ll come away with a clearer understanding of why the whole home approach is the key to correctly diagnosing comfort, efficiency and indoor air quality problems in your home.
At Advantage Home Performance we don’t evaluate comfort and efficiency issues with blinders on. Unfortunately for most home owners, the majority of heating and air conditioning companies do not adopt this whole home approach. You have heard the old adage, “if one has only a hammer, all problems look like nails.” Each subcontractor or trade offers only the solution they sell, regardless if it actually addresses the real problem. It is important to remember most heating and air conditioning salesmen are only making a living if they are selling something to you.
This fragmented and biased approach to solving comfort, efficiency and indoor air quality problems is ill-conceived. Our auditors routinely see misdiagnosis and ill-conceived solutions to home performance problems during audits. We have audited homes in which frustrated homeowners lamented that they spent thousands of dollars on a new heating and air conditioning system only to be left with the same comfort problems and high utility bills. If the root of the problem had been properly identified prior to the work commencing, the exasperation of these homeowners could have been avoided.
Advantage Home Performance specializes in diagnosing and fixing the most common problems that compromise comfort, indoor air quality and efficiency. We provide the comprehensive audits to evaluate problems and we base our recommendation on what a comprehensive audit reveals. Our Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified auditors are highly trained in all home components and building science principles.
Advantage Home Performance is participating in the Home Performance by ENERGY STAR program. This is a national program from the EPA, which offers a comprehensive, whole-house approach to improving energy efficiency and comfort at home, while helping to protect the environment. To participate in this you can call us to set up an audit.
Advantage Home performance is a single source provider of all home performance contracting services. We don’t subcontract out the audits or the repairs. Our in-house crews provide the following services: audits, heating and air conditioning, air barrier work, insulation, spray foam, indoor air quality solutions and solar control. This single vendor approach saves our customers time, money and they get the best possible results. Our customers deal with one company, one job coordinator and one company culture.
At the heart of quality home performance contracting is the culture and core values of a company. Is there the commitment to getting it right? We know most consumers don’t inspect our work after we complete it. At Advantage Home Performance we have an intense resolve to perform the best work in our industry. For more information about the Advantage Home Performance’s team and guarantee visit our About Us page.